Thursday, May 16, 2013

20 in 20 line-up

I have collaborated with my SIL in order to determine the projects that will be created over the course of the next 20 weeks.  Here's what you have to look forward to:
Week 1: (3) burp cloths (May 12-18)
Week 2: diaper changing pad clutch (May 19-25)
Week 3: wall flower (May 26-June 1)
Week 4: (2) bloomers 0-3 mo (June 2-8)
Week 5: glam mobile (June 9-15)
Week 6: patchwork quilt (June 16-22)
Week 7: ruffled crib skirt (June 23-29)
Week 8: ruffled bottom onesie 0-3 mo & longsleeve onesie dress 3-6 mo (June 30-July 6)
Week 9: patchwork elephant (July 7-13)
Week 10: printed onesie/leggings set 3-6 mo (July 14-20)
Week 11: bib/bapron (July 21-27)
Week 12: shoes (July 28-August 3)
Week 13: wearable blanket 3-6 mo & 6-9 mo (August 4-10)
Week 14: pacifier clips (August 11-17)
Week 15: diaper pouch (August 18-24)
Week 16: swaddler 0-3 mo & 3-6 mo (August 25-31)
Week 17: variation of leggings 0-3 mo & 3-6 mo (September 1-7)
Week 18: hats & headbands (September 8-14)
Week 19: stacker toy (September 15-21)
Week 20: Christmas tutu & everyday tutu 3 mo (September 22-28)
Now, because some of these crafts seem simple I have challenged myself by making multiples (wish me luck!!!)
Since Summer is right around the corner I had to plan my projects accordingly in order to maintain the goal of 20-in-20 (you may have to do the same).  Kaci is also trying to complete Baby Girl Nowak's nursery so all of the nursery projects are all scheduled within the 1st 10 weeks.
I hope these projects and this challenge will inspire  you to follow along or start your own!!! 
Coming up....Week 1!!!!!!

The Beginning....

Hey everyone!!! I am new to this whole blogging thing goes nothin'.

My husband and I recently found out that we are going to be an Aunt & Uncle once again to a new niece!!!  For the time being I will refer to her as Baby Girl Nowak.

If any of you know my SIL (sister-in-law) Kaci, or myself for that matter, you know that we are super girly and Baby Girl Nowak will be no different!  So, naturally once Kaci revealed the gender I automatically started plotting all of the cute outfits, accessories, etc. I could make for her.  Our girlfriend Katy T. jokingly said you should do 20 outfits in 20 weeks.  Well Top...CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!!!  Only instead of 20 outfits I will create 20 DIY projects in 20 weeks & post the weekly craft & progress on this here blog.  Why 20 you ask?  Well, in 20 short weeks Baby Girl Nowak will grace the world with her presence.  I only wish someone had challenged me 2 nephews & a niece ago-dang it!

Time's a tickin' so stay tuned.......