Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Beginning....

Hey everyone!!! I am new to this whole blogging thing goes nothin'.

My husband and I recently found out that we are going to be an Aunt & Uncle once again to a new niece!!!  For the time being I will refer to her as Baby Girl Nowak.

If any of you know my SIL (sister-in-law) Kaci, or myself for that matter, you know that we are super girly and Baby Girl Nowak will be no different!  So, naturally once Kaci revealed the gender I automatically started plotting all of the cute outfits, accessories, etc. I could make for her.  Our girlfriend Katy T. jokingly said you should do 20 outfits in 20 weeks.  Well Top...CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!!!  Only instead of 20 outfits I will create 20 DIY projects in 20 weeks & post the weekly craft & progress on this here blog.  Why 20 you ask?  Well, in 20 short weeks Baby Girl Nowak will grace the world with her presence.  I only wish someone had challenged me 2 nephews & a niece ago-dang it!

Time's a tickin' so stay tuned.......


  1. I am so excited, I just can't hide it!

  2. Any patterns or directions? Would really appreciate some. Grandbaby is coming!
